Tuesday 11 June 2013

Tanah Bangunan untuk dijual (Building Land for sale) Mukim Setapak, Gombak, Selangor

Lot - 4380
Mukim - Setapak
Daerah - Gombak
Tanah Status - Bangunan
Keluasan - 3.763 Hektar (9 ekar 1 rod 8 pole)

Gambar ditapak

Maklumat lanjut (further information) - HP 012-5078899 (En Nasron)

Tanah Pertanian untuk dijual (Agriculture Land For Sale) - Mukim Setapak, Gombak, Selangor

Lot - 1976
Mukim - Setapak
Daerah - Gombak
Keluasan - 0.8094 Hektar (2 Ekar)

Maklumat lanjut (Further information): HP 012-5078899 (En Nasron)

Sunday 9 June 2013

Accident or incident because of human error(s)?

All of accidents or incidents are happening because of human errors?
We (human) create work(s). From a work, it creates job and processes to create the completed work.
The processes create several series of work sequencing.
Each work sequences have its act and condition.
Perfect act with perfect condition will result to be no incident and no accident.
Bad act with bad condition will result a catastrophic accident or disaster.
Good act with bad condition will result to be accident, usually a bad accident.
Bad act with good condition will result to be accident, usually a bad accident.
Recent accidents;

Bridge Collapse at Penang Second Bridge Project was happening because coincides of bad act(s) with bad condition(s).

Similarly to the accident of boat capsize at Belaga near Sungai Rajang, Sarawak was happening because coincides of bad act(s) with bad condition(s).

YES, it easy to say than done.

At every point of the processes we need to make decision that will be determine the degree of sureness on the act(s) and the condition(s).

For the boat capsize, why the decision allows to carry overloading passengers?

For the bridge collapse, why allow user(s) travel under constructed bridge? Do the temporary structure(s) (scaffolds) are checked and installed as per design load? Do the materials use (scaffolds) have defected part(s)?


Thursday 6 June 2013

Peluang perniagaan - menjadi bos sendiri

Setiap orang ingin menjadi kaya dan mempunyai pendapatan bulanan yang tetap. Macam mana?

Jika kita hendak memulakan perniagaan, kita memerlukan modal yang besar. Kos untuk menyewa kedai, kos untuk ubah-suai kedai, kos selenggara, duit pendahuluan membeli barangan kedai dan lain-lain lagi.

Di Cosway dibawah Syarikat Berjaya Group telah menyediakan model baru franchise macam MLM. Model perniagaan ini tidak memerlukan modal untuk pelaburan yang besar kerana mereka ingin membantu usahawan yang bersesuaian untuk berkecimpung tanpa modal yang besar.

Maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi Cik Farah 011-28544880
Sila lihat blog mereka (klik) FarraLynnda

Business Opportunity

Mostly everyone wants to be rich and has a steady income monthly. How?

If we want to do business, we may need big capital to start with. Cost to get a space (shop),  cost of renovation, cost of maintenance, advance for purchasing materials  and others.

At Cosway under Berjaya Group they introduce new model of franchise system almost like MLM. This model does not require heavy capital and investment because they want to help the entrepreneur which can suit this model but don’t have 'enough' capital.

Further information, please call Cik Farah at  011-28544880
Their blog at FarraLynnda (Click)

Hurry up...
Don't wait..

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Everyday work

Assalamualikum and good day,

Everyone need to improve in their life because they want to be better everyday or every time they do the same works. They will accounter problems and obstacles either in term of legislations, processes, authorities and others.

In order to improve and make better we need to refer to someone who have done the works before. I am not an expert, but I can assist on the matter. The issues I can assist is in Malaysia ONLY.

Please email me to localfarm00@gmail.com